Honey Bee

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Malissa means honey bee. I’m pleased to be grouped with bees. There are so many wonderful things about bees.

  1. Community - conserving energy and being a part of something. I felt alone in my town. I wanted to connect with people who were growing in business and collaboration. That is how I found podcasting. I soon found friends in podcasting even though they did not know who I was. This brought strength to me to help me move forward and follow my dreams and do better in my job.

  2. Brightness of hope. We have down days and need that little push of hope to get us through. How can we spread some sunshine in other people’s lives today. A flower, a note or just a smile. Share the hope.

  3. Personal Power - Many times we wait for permission to do something. I’m here to tell you, you have the power or there are ways to get the tools you need to feel you have the ability. I give you permission to be the great person the you can be. I remember my senior year in high school with my art teacher telling us we have a license to be an artist. Now go and do. You have permission.

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