Think good thoughts and you will do good deeds. Your mind is eager to set you up for success and you have the power to instruct it. You may have a bad thought, but you have the power to move it out and add something good. Add affirmations to your daily routine to create the life you want.
Create your own affirmations by using:
1. Positive words
2. Present tense
3. Be relevant
4. Repeat aloud
Life is full of love and I find it everywhere I go.
Everything about me is lovable and worthy of love.
My partner finds my sexy because (he/she) is attracted to every part of me.
My clients appreciate and value my work.
I attract new clients every day.
My positive attitude, confidence and hard work naturally draws in new opportunities.
I am grateful for how effectively and efficiently my body works.
I only make healthy and nourishing eating choices.
I take care of my body and exercise every day.
Every Day Life
I wake up happy and excited every single day.
I see others as good people who are trying their best.
My thoughts and feelings are nourishing.
I have a happy clean home.
My home is a place where everyone wants to be.
My environment is calm and supportive.
I love learning.
I am smart.
I radiate success.